It seems like winter was late arriving this year, but it’s finally hit Iowa and now there’s a beautiful blanket of snow covering everything. In this season’s newsletter we have a lot to discuss! First I will give a progress report of some ongoing productions and projects. Then we will go on to discuss a few changes to policies and the way we conduct business.

Productions and Projects


Currently the work on FRR004 has been put on a slight hold. The songs are complete, they are mostly mastered and I’m very happy with them. However, there are about 2 to 3 songs more than will fit on one record. I am taking about a month off from working on them to decide whether to make FRR004 a 2xLP set, or to just choose my favorite 4 of the 7 songs. This is not a decision I’m taking lightly. I’ve always wanted to press a double LP but I don’t know if this is the one yet. There’s always the option of releasing the other songs digitally and saving some money, but I have to keep reminding myself that even though I’m able to do that, I did not get into the music business to make MP3’s. The goal here is to make records because my ultimate passion is always going to be spinning records. 

Video Production

After Knobcon 2019 (aka Knobtoberfest), I entered the world of video synthesis. As some of you may know, that raises the question of what to do with the video and effects which I create. Until now I’ve been just endlessly playing around and then capturing these snippets of video. Now I’m focusing on trying to put them together into videos for our music. If you’ve ever been on Discogs you’ve seen that for most records there’s a section about halfway down the page on the right hand side, where music videos for the songs on the records can be found. My goal is to make a few videos for each record. This has proven to be much easier said than done. You can view/listen to my first attempt here:

As you can probably tell the resolution is very low and the format needs work. Keep in mind though, the primary purpose of these videos is to be placed in the video section of the Discogs page, and many of those videos within the genre are simply the song playing as still pictures in a slideshow play. I feel like this method of visuals and occasional scrolling information is a step up from that, and I am currently working to refine the process and getting close to having another one finished soon.  

Policy Changes Affecting Future Releases

Until now I’ve always had a very welcoming, humble, and inclusive mindset. However, starting on FRR003 I made a serious attempt to include some very talented people on each record. Unfortunately my attempts have not been met with the same humble attitude I tried to keep. I think there was a fundamental misunderstanding of what a new vinyl record label can afford to pay artists. I wanted to trade the privilege of putting more of my own music on vinyl, with working on the music of other artists instead. In exchange for them getting the privilege of putting their music on vinyl, I would get the privilege of mixing, editing, arranging, and hiring remixers! After all, that was the “record deal” I personally wanted my whole life! I figured people would see things the same way, and be more than willing to work with me! I couldn’t have been more wrong! Both times I’ve tried this (I tried on FRR003 in 2018, and now also FRR004 in 2019) both times the main artists accepted the project, I gave them a very lenient deadline, at least 4 months out from when I talked to them. I took them at their word, and then left them to it. I checked their upload folders once a week for about four months, and both times I was disappointed when their deadline passed with nothing added. I am always recording. I had more than enough of my own songs ready to fill a record. However, the real victims here in both cases were the next in line artists I would have given the opportunity to. Once that deadline had passed I couldn’t offer it to anyone else without pushing back my schedule, which there would be no reason to do since I had backup tracks ready to go, and the famous slogan of show business is “The show must go on!” It was just very unfortunate that the selfishness and ego of these artists had actually prevented other artists from having that very proud moment when they hold their first record in their hands and get to play it. Not only that, but both times I had fully intended to include remixers as well. So not only would their song(s) have been put on a record label and on a record for all time, but some extremely good remixes would have undoubtedly been created as well. 

With all that being said I’m still very proud of what did become FRR003, and I’m super proud of FRR004 as well. But going forward I will never again ask anyone to be on my records. If you make music and you want to be on my label, I have an open door policy, just shoot me a personal message on any social media or to including some links to your work and what makes you passionately want to make a record. Your main payment will be in holding your work in your hands on vinyl. If that does not interest you please do not waste my time or your own. 

It is an extreme privilege to make records and I will be happy to share this privilege with people who ask nicely and are extremely passionate about music. If nobody comes through it will always be my pleasure to just make another record on my own.

I know life happens and people get busy. However, I know several other talented people who would have probably taken the opportunity seriously and not wasted it. We work on a timeline, with very few rules other than make your deadline and keep your word. This is a project I do once every year (I want to do more but it’s a one man operation), it is time consuming, difficult, stressful, and expensive but I love it and want to share my love for making records with as many talented, passionate people as possible. If it’s been your lifetime goal to get a track put on vinyl, hit us up. 


  1. You must own some or all of our records, I still have copies available, if you need them hit me up or visit alternatively you can check Discogs first, because last I checked there are still some on there for very cheap
  2. Your songs must be 100% original, no loops, samples, or any questionable content. I don’t care if it was purchased legally on a sample site, or you think you have the rights to use it. If you did not fully create it yourself I’m not interested. Clearing samples is not easy and I’m liable if someone were to get mad that you used a part of their song to make yours, even if it is a masterpiece of dance music
  3. Your song must not be released anywhere else yet. You’ll create it for us exclusively. This can be done at your own studio, or you are welcome to come record with me assuming I have the time and availability. I’d love it if you bring over some gear and jam. 🙂
  4. If you are going to record it at your own studio, I will have some very specific requirements as to the format I’m willing to accept. For instance It needs to be a multitrack recording with each sound on its own track which is .wav file stem the entire length of the song. I do not want a finished, polished stereo recording. I believe a record is one coherent piece of art, all songs appearing on a record together should go through the entire process of being edited, mixed and mastered together. This is not as easy as it sounds and I will probably have to walk you through the process the first time. I also intend on making a full guide to publish on our website of what I’m talking about here. 

Those are the main requirements. I’m sure I’ll think of more later, but the bottom line is, I’m not here to jump through your hoops and beg you to work with me. If you want to be included in my productions you’ll need to adhere to the way I work. 

Thank you so much for your time and for reading this whole newsletter! I hope the rest of your winter is truly blessed and in case you’re interested, here’s a 25% off coupon code for your whole purchase at our shop. Just type in WINTER20 at checkout. We appreciate your support. 

Peace and Love, 

Scott R. Ferguson
Owner, Executive Producer 
Family Room Recordings, LLC.
P.O. Box 1032
Ankeny, IA 50021